No police charges vs Cardinal Dew

New Zealand Police found no evidence to substantiate allegations of abuse against Wellington Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal John Dew and will not be laying charges against him.

Wellington Archbishop Paul Martin SM released this information in a letter to all the people in the Church following media reports on the abuse allegations. The letter was dated March 7, 2024.

In the letter, Archbishop Martin clarified an ongoing Church inquiry will continue.

“Inquiries by the Church are not run concurrently to those being undertaken by the Police. Now that the Police investigation has concluded, Cardinal John continues to stand aside while Church inquiries proceed,” Archbishop Martin said.

The archbishop said Cardinal Dew stood aside from all public church activities when the allegations were brought to the Church’s attention.

In a separate statement, Cardinal Dew said the allegation was brought against him a day after he retired.

“I stated immediately, and I state again now, that there have never been any instances of improper or abusive behaviour in my 48 years of priesthood,” the cardinal stressed.

Cardinal Dew said police investigation had shown these allegations could not have happened.

“The police have informed me that this investigation had now been concluded, their file has been closed and no charges will be laid against me,” Cardinal Dew said.

He said he didn’t know and have not met the person who made the allegations.

“The allegations against me is false, it may come from a well of anguish and grief arising from other reasons.

“ I am acutely aware of how distressing this is for many: survivors who have put their trust in me, our church community, and my family and friends. I state once again that all incidents of abuse are wrong. I  hope and pray that all abuse victims will find peace and healing,” he said.


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Rowena Orejana