Housing Trust celebrates 40 years of service

17 Monte Cake

November 16 marked a significant milestone for Monte Cecilia Housing Trust, a pillar in Auckland’s community housing provider sector, as figures from its 40-year history came together to celebrate the past four decades of work.

The celebratory dinner included staff members both past and present, supporters, and representatives from various agencies and organisations which work collaboratively with Monte Cecilia to help families in need.

“We were particularly happy to have in attendance members of the Sisters of Mercy and Society of St Vincent de Paul,” Monte Cecilia Chief Executive Vicki Sykes said. “As it was members of these two organisations, along with the Marist Brothers, who originally came together to launch Monte Cecilia, starting the legacy of compassion and community support that we have inherited.”

“It was wonderful to see so many figures from Monte Cecilia’s history come together, to celebrate the impact it has had on thousands of families over the years. It was great to hear inspiring stories from the people who were there doing the mahi.”

Monte Cecilia Housing Trust was originally founded in 1982, amid a sharp rise in homelessness due to inadequate tenancy protection laws. Monte Cecilia began its journey at the historic Monte Cecilia homestead in Hillsborough, which was capable of accommodating just eight families. Today, it has expanded to manage more than 600 homes, and provide much-needed wrap-around support to those in need.

The evening was not just a celebration of the past, but was also a forward-looking discussion about the future of Monte Cecilia, and work in the community housing sector.

“As the trust moves forward into its fifth decade of operation, it stands as a testament to the power of community and perseverance,” Ms Sykes said.

“From its humble beginnings to its significant present-day impact, Monte Cecilia Housing Trust is committed to continuing its legacy of hope and support to Auckland families. Our work enables us to fulfil our mission of Housing Justice for All.”



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