Catholic young adults in Christchurch and Auckland had a great time at formal balls held last month.
The Gonzaga Ball, held at The Canterbury Club on October 28, was a collaborative event involving Christchurch diocese and young adult groups from across the diocese, said Mark Currie, parish youth ministry support coordinator in Christchurch.

Ball guests in the dining room at The Gonzaga Ball.
At the ball, there was a photo wall, the billiards room was well used, and there was a two-course dinner, as well as dancing with the band “Scouts Honour”, Mr Currie told NZ Catholic.
“The feedback from guests was almost universally positive, with people remarking on how well-run it was, the quality of the food and entertainment, but mostly how great it was to be able to dress up for a special occasion, and connect and reconnect with people from across the diocese.”
The planning team had representation from four different young adult groups, Mr Currie added.
Some 67 guests aged 18-34 attended the ball, he added, noting that they came from nine different parishes across three dioceses.
The last such ball of this nature in Christchurch was run in 2016, Mr Currie said.
“While not locked in, we expect to run the ball next year, as this year’s was a great success,” he said.
In Auckland, some 86 guests attended a ball for Catholic young adults at McHughs of Cheltenham on Auckland’s North Shore on October 15.

Young people enjoy themselves at the Auckland event
The Auckland event had live music by the Velvet Tones, and had a theme of “Enchanted Forest”.
Judging from photos of the event, an enjoyable time was had by all.