Position of proposed train station applauded

Families living in the wider West Drury district have applauded the location of the train station proposed by KiwiRail, and believe it represents the greatest long-term benefit for residents – and for those attending a future Catholic school. 

It will be especially convenient for students who will attend the new co-educational St Ignatius Loyola Catholic College which is due to open in 2024.  Construction has already begun on the site at Burtt Road, Drury, and the college will eventually accommodate up to 1000 students. 

The KiwiRail proposed site will ensure safety for the students, as it will be only a short walk of 300 metres to the college, and within a network of integrated pedestrian and cycle access pathways focused around the station. 

KiwiRail, Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi have already undertaken wide consultation and community feedback regarding this site. 

“Families in the area have been working for over 20 years to establish this college and, with this dream now in sight, the addition of a further train station is going to be a huge support to thousands of students and parents,” said local Karaka man, John Mills, who is deputy chair of the Establishment Board for the college. 

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NZ Catholic Staff