June 20: Twelfth Sunday of the Year. Readings: 1. Job 38:1, 8-11; Psalm: 106; 2. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Gospel: Mark 4:35-41
This week, the biblical authors wish us to reflect on a certain image. It is one taken from the natural world.
Job’s brief passage means that our thoughts are given a sharp focus. In conversation with God, Job finds himself challenged to see life
from a divine perspective. Made to picture the creation of the sea, he is forced to acknowledge both the mystery of God and the Creator’s almighty, awesome power.
These verses remind us that, everywhere around us, there are signs of a marvellous power that should trigger in us great reverence for
God’s ever-present majesty.
Paul’s point of focus is Christ himself. Reflecting on Christ’s sacrificial gift to us all, these verses in 2 Corinthians portray our present state as a participation in a new creation. Because of our baptism, we know ourselves to be sharing in his risen life and that adds a new dimension to our everyday life.
Our belief in the power of the inspired Word of God thus primes us to be servants of the risen Christ.
Mark’s Gospel scene on the rough sea gives us further reason to reflect on the gift of faith. If we were in that boat, we too might have been very afraid. But we could equally find ourselves in awe of Jesus’ powerful words in action.
This is a text that seeks our response. Clearly that response is meant to be one of amazement, caused by the wonder that can be experienced in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life.
In many ways, today’s biblical texts have given us a singular focus. Yet it is that focus that directs us to be keenly observant of the divine, as it comes into our lives and surprisingly reveals something of the mystery of the faith we continue to cherish.