Insight into God at work in our midst


May 30: Trinity Sunday.  Readings: 1. Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40; Psalm: 33; 2. Romans 8:14-17; Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20.

As we celebrate this feast day, it is the mystery of our God that each biblical author explores. Through their inspired texts, we receive insight into God at work in our midst.

With Deuteronomy today, we begin the process of learning how to think about, and speak of, the God of Israel. The text’s questions are a way of making us look with faith to our past. So, beginning with the creation of heaven and earth, we learn that we are heirs to a long religious history, throughout which our God never stopped revealing himself. Called into a special relationship with that God of history, we discover daily what it means to live in the presence of the One whose divine companionship leads us to insight and understanding.

Paul’s few brief words in Romans speak of God who is Spirit and Christ. This indicates the manner by which we come to a better understanding of our relationship with God the Father, Son and Spirit. Being adopted children of God, we find ourselves, with Paul’s help, relating to more than one divine person, because of the mystery we celebrate today.

In the very last words of Matthew’s Gospel today, Jesus commands the disciples to make their mission a visible expression of the divine will. Here that work of bringing in many disciples to share the joy of the Good News is especially associated with baptism into the life of Father, Son and Spirit. Since that life never diminishes, it readily becomes more effective in revealing itself to every nation on earth.

On this day honouring the Trinity, the Scriptures remind us that we are a people who believe in the God who is always with us. In and through our faith experience of life itself, we meet Father, Son and Spirit.



Fr Kevin Waldie sm