He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata!
What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people!
And March for Life Auckland wants to celebrate all people in their inaugural March in the CBD on Saturday, February 29. The gathering forthe march is at Freyberg Square at 1pm. Marchers will leave for Aotea Square at 2pm. Speeches will start at 2.45pm.
Organisers are planning a fun, family-friendly event to raise awareness and spread love and healing in this country. Like the National March For Life held in Wellington, which has doubled in numbers every year, organisers are sure it will grab the imagination and hearts of Aucklanders. It is an international movement that attracts hundreds of thousands of people every year all over the world, so the hope is that New Zealand will take this up.
Organisers are hoping to see it grow each year into a real celebration oflife, love and whanau.
The Select Committee on the Abortion Legislation Bill reported back to Parliament this month and, being a Government bill with a strong majority, it is likely to be passed swiftly.
This means the timing of this event is important. The greater the number of walkers, the clearer the message is to the politicians that people do care about vulnerable people and that liberalising abortion is not what New Zealanders need or want.